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Friends Enjoying Clever Playing Cards




Bringing family and friends together through games.

We first discovered Protospiel at the Milwaukee event in 2015. It's a wonderful weekend long collaboration between game designers - playing each other's games and giving feedback. You don't need to be a game designer to attend, just the desire to play games. Play testers are always needed! Sometimes, publishers attend. That's the trifecta -- getting feedback on your design from all perspectives! We were so inspired by this welcoming community, that we decided to bring a Protospiel event to Chicagoland.

Protospiel Chicago 2023 was a HUGE hit, and it sold out.

We're looking for a larger venue for 2024.
Check back for all the details.

Go to Protospiel Chicago website.

Check out our new logo!

We decided it was about time we got an official logo and came up with this combination of the Chicago flag, the Bean and of course, Meeples! And when I say we came up with it, I mean our daughter came up with it. Anyway, we're pretty proud of it and you can be sure you'll see it on buttons at Protospiel-Chicago!

Protospiel-Chicago Photo Gallery

Enjoy a random sampling of pictures from each of our previous Protospiels - just click on any of the "buttons" below.

Protospiel 2016 button Protospiel 2017 button Protospiel 2018 button Protospiel 2019 button